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Fri Jun 22, 2007 · 533 words

This blog isn't what it used to be. In a good sense. Hopefully. It is now running on a hand-made blogging engine I call Flannel (the name actually comes from a CMS I wrote that runs for example this site), temporarily still using the RapidWeaver template.

There were quite a few reasons I wanted to do this and here are the most important ones:

OK, but most importantly, the specs of the new system:

Update: Turns out there's nothing wrong with ME, but rather the XML-RPC library might need some fixing or replacing…

I've put up the source code for the importer script which could easily be modified to work with any server-side blogging tool.

This is all very new and I'm totally sure I'll run into some turbulence along the way, but it sure is a heck of a lot of fun. ;)

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