- 31.01.2025
- 24.01.2025
- 20.01.2025
- 14.01.2025
- 30.12.2024
- 13.09.2022
- 25.08.2022
- Movie Review: Late Phases (2014)
- Of Lice and Men
- Movie Review: A Cure for Wellness (2016)
- Remembering mcare
- Upgrading Nextcloud Server to 15 and PHP 7.2
- Faceoff
- Using Certbot with DNS Made Easy
- The Curious Case of cd
- ArchiCAD BIMcloud SSL Proxy Howto
- Twelve on Eleven - Installing Nextcloud 12 on FreeBSD 11, from scratch
- Mattermost - a review
- Upgrading PostgreSQL on FreeBSD
- The Guardian Is Cool
- Say Hello to Servo
- My Stove Goes to 11
- Create Your Own CopyPath
- Installing lxml on 10.9
- Dark Souls Quote
- Banks
- Phishers should spellcheck too.
- iSeeYou
- Spotlight Does Math Too
- Preview Has Page History
- Neighbours having sex
- Don't mess with Time Machine
- Hinode
- 10.7: System Information
- Auditron
- Mediator
- cpu2asr
- asd2nb
- AST & DeployStudio
- gsxcl
- NetBless & DeployStudio
- gsxlib
- IT Tip Of the Month - Change Your Managed Switch's Default IP
- Some Things
- Virtualmin RC Script for FreeBSD
- NetBoot Over OpenVPN
- netbless
- NetBoot on FreeBSD
- Me Thinks So Too
- BatchDMG Updated
- Still Different?
- aptest
- Building a Software Update Server Replica with FreeBSD
- iTunes Plus & Personal Info
- Son of September
- Collect iTunes Playlist
- pingraph
- A Script for Remote Desktop
- Not Very Helpful
- FreeBSD Software Update Server
- Bug. Report. Can't.
- Toot That Horn!
- Kannel Installer
- Resizing RAID Volumes
- Seeing Double
- Nokia Phones and Your Server
- They Never Use SSL?
- Went Indie
- PHP and Mac line endings
- Keychain Access... Dancing?
- Deploying Final Cut Studio
- Validating Finnish Social Security Numbers
- Makes Sense?
- Reinstalling Final Cut Server.app
- Punk Widget Update
- Relocating SUS on 10.6 server
- BatchDMG
- MediaRelay
- Integrating a Forum with Your Wiki
- Mail.app Attachments
- 10.6 Mail Migration Bug Workaround
- DIY IO Benchmarking
- That Newline Thing
- Python vs PHP
- Accessing Keychain from PyObjC
- SOUP Kitchen
- Wikid Problems
- Passgen Update
- Desklabel
- Weird Spam
- phpshell 0.1
- Sift 0.1
- Site Upgrade
- Sending mail from launchd jobs
- Caldavd vs DirectoryService
- GetIcon.m
- GetHelper.m
- class PropertyList
- Spotlost
- Diskspacemonitor Hack
- get_email_addresses_hook
- Hansakicker
- Xbox 360 vs PS 3
- TVIX HD M-6500A Review
- DVR-106D Patch
- Happy 1234567890!
- Mail.app Delivery Receipts
- Zend_Db_Table Autoincrement ID
- Server Backup Script
- iCal Server Backups
- Syncing Notes to Your iPod
- Networked Syslog
- Twenty Hours of Risk
- Generating Passwords
- Mail.app From Menu
- More on iCal Server
- Antivirus Is the Virus
- A Deployment Plan
- Deploying Lightroom 2
- Got ACSA
- The Ramp Movie
- Monitoring Load Average
- iLife Installer Workaround
- Macup 1.0
- Pretty Weak
- OpenFire vs iChat Server
- mailspray
- Cascading Software Update Server
- Some Genius
- I Guess I'm Not...
- Turned 0x1C
- mc pkg
- Templar
- rtorrent pkg
- AppleScript's path to me
- serveradmin settings indices
- serveradmin settings all
- serveradmin settings & IP addresses
- GoogleConverter
- Microsoft's New Hope
- last.fm and WebClip
- Going Oldschool
- Migrating Group Wiki Pages
- Use Expect for SMTP testing
- About Leopard's group mail handling
- Moving .forward files to postfix aliases
- Testing for Power v2
- PurpleSync
- makeuser
- ddrescue AppleScript Applet
- Restarting an Installation
- procatcher.sh
- Punk 1.1
- Content-Encoding- gzip
- Editable DVD Ripping
- Apache FOP java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
- UFO Sundae #11
- Tomcat on Leopard Server (Grrr)
- Random Flash Disk Benchmarks
- ddrescue
- Install 10.4 Server Admin Tools on 10.5
- JavaScript Input Validation
- Tidbits for week 6
- Random Midnight Tidbits
- /var/folders?
- Cool Tools - a Weekly Roundup
- Display Mirroring during Installation
- csv_replace.rb
- Installing Leopard on the 15
- Compressing PDF's in Leopard
- Site updates
- useradd.sh v1.2
- Ditching Transmission :(
- An Old Presentation
- 9 vs X
- Naming Convention
- Speaking of Leopard
- View Source in NetNewsWire
- BOEUF Filters
- A Random Speedtest
- iTunes Plus (Finally!)
- OpenLocation.scpt
- Final Cut Server
- Finding Out Group Membership
- MySQL+PHP setups over SSH
- dirstat.py
- Collective Early Beta
- The Lost Song
- The P1i...Phone
- Mail.app Address Cache Backup
- View Source... in Mail.app
- DVD Backups From Your DVB PVR
- Screengrabs from DVD Player
- dash.fm
- X360 Media Streaming
- Enabling Apple's VNC Server Over SSH
- The 360
- iTunes - Deleting Albums From Smart Playlists
- Toggling cross-compilation
- SuperView
- SafariReload
- DIY iPod > Last.fm Uploader
- Use Spotlight on Your iPod
- Testing for Power
- SysExtract
- HereShell
- PHP and OS X's OpenLDAP
- Perian 1.0
- B.O.E.U.F.
- Coda - a Quick Review
- Back Online
- Reading Version Numbers
- Tunnelling Media Over SSH
- New article for afp548.com
- The best media player money can't buy
- Updates on the 6200c
- Detecting RSS readers
- XLD - A Quick Review
- Here's My Truth - Tell Me Yours
- iTunes U
- Cleaning up your Podcasts
- QuickTime 7.1.6
- Safari tip of the week - history search
- iftop
- Why I don't like Symbian
- Why I don't like Symbian
- The ProCaster 6200c
- I Wish I Could Be Like Settings
- A simple build system
- Temporarily changing passwords
- Audio playback with Python
- A Universal Subtitle Format and Distribution Method
- Checking for existance
- Why I switched to Safari (again)
- Data URL-s
- Finding things
- Running iCal Server on FreeBSD 6.2
- Mac Mythbusters: white on black saves battery
- Thou shalt not delete!
- with(something)
- XML stuff
- Geek humour
- Punk 1.0.6
- Concatenating a bunch of files
- XMLHttpRequest and redirects
- Scraping google.com
- OpenSSL is cool
- Windows and OS X benchmarks
- Stranger than fiction
- Using Google's sitemap generator with RW
- Finnish TV advertising
- Cannot launch natd
- Cyrus weirdness
- Good Things pt 2- YAML
- RewritesRule
- Apache 2.2.4 Universal Binary
- Fixing the Lumbard
- iTunes Store tips
- AppleScripting Keynote 3
- servermgrd bus error
- An interesting quote
- Building universal binaries
- last.fm's Taste-o-meter
- Postmaster
- Emulators over RDC
- Amavis gone haywire
- Bruce Is Back!
- As If Nothing Ever Happened
- Remembering the QTVR Pan Angle
- Creating Empty Files of Any Size
- A Good Year
- Revitilizing Camino's Flashblock
- Smartphone Market Share
- Are We Or Aren't We?
- I Love Akamai (from now on)
- Giving .doc an Icon
- ADC Student Membership
- Display Sleep
- Audio Transcoding with Automator
- Google search to RW (for lazy bums)
- Using script.aculo.us with XSLT
- Project sugupuu.com
- Points on ZFS
- Software For Starving Students
- Happy Holidays
- IOHWSensor
- Modulo
- Variable Scopes
- Two New Scripts
- About FTP
- The Drug Lords
- Universal Hello World
- DBERROR- critical database situation
- Cheap Bastards
- Mac Pro Memory and Temperatures
- BBEdit Session Restore
- PHP's file_get_contents () and cookies
- A Free Alternative To MatLab
- Something New Every Day...
- No More OpenWiFi From Me!
- Setting up HansaWorld Enterprise
- The Headless Install
- 7 Days Without a Mouse
- Useful info on AFP
- JSINF vol 3
- Securing WebMail (if only just a little bit)
- Final Thoughts on LaTeX
- JSINF (Just So's I Never Forget) vol 2
- client-error-not-possible
- Using MSN with iChat server
- Setting Up a Safety Harness
- AppleScript Tidbits
- Charting spam
- When Stuff Just Works
- Scalability
- Saw Monster House
- Automate Out-of-Office Reply Toggling
- DigiExpo 2006
- Flannel 1.0
- Cool TEDTalks
- BlenderCon 2006
- Aging with Photoshop
- The Sony HVR A1E
- More Useful Articles
- Are a users emails deleted with the user?
- Shadow Girl
- Good to know
- Electricity over IP
- Creating users
- If it smashes down
- Which sportscar are You?
- Editing A Scanner Darkly
- Turn Web Performance Cache Off!
- Email Addiction
- Find out Correct Base Install Permissions
- World's Highest Standard of Living
- "Computer Randomly Plays Classical Music"
- Make sure to quit your editor!
- Apache VirtualHosts
- Warming
- SQLite 3.3.7 Package
- Subversion 1.4 Package
- A Random Quote For Site Slogan
- A Teacher's Pet
- Tiger Server Administration eBook
- nmap and wget packages
- Programming Quotations
- sortUsingSelector
- HIFF 2006 Coming
- Empty Trash from Automator
- On Top Of the World!
- UnitInfo and Punk Released
- Software Warranty
- Replacing Apple's PHP
- What's SourceCache?
- KDX MacUnix
- A Better Way
- Simply Brilliant
- When Cron Gets Out of Hands
- pidof
- MacBook Memory Config Benchmarks
- Repair Permissions != Chumbug
- Getting Stuff Into MySQL
- Auto Junkmail Deletion
- Back To Basics vol 2
- WebDAV chroot
- FTP Without Shell
- Back To the Basics
- The Intel Pro-1000 GT NIC won't work with OS X
- Troube With Quotas
- Attack of DNS vol 2
- ApacheBench
- Now where did I put that server?
- When (mail) disaster strikes!
- PHP weirdness
- Is it just me or is it really WebDAV?
- Review - Elephants Dream
- Schools should encourage work publication
- From OSX-vnc to ARD
- Hush!
- It's DNS again!
- Basic AuthConfig
- More On Spelling
- Changing IPs
- Localtime
- Resizing FileVault Disk Images
- Apache 2.2
- Firebird RDBMS weirdness
- Installing PHP 5.1.2
- Restoring WebLogs with Apache 2.2
- Upgrading to MySQL 5
- Madeira
- Potential VM growth in DirectoryService