Thu Jan 10, 2019 · 384 words

To the three other people on the planet still not on Facebook - here's a quick hack to get rid of that annoying login/signup form splash screen that Facebook plops in your face whenever you're forced to browse a page there. For people who don't know what I'm talking about because they're always logged into Facebook, here's what I mean:


I've been clicking the “Not now” button for years, but noticed recently that Facebook's been removing that option, at random. Maybe they're doing some A/B testing, maybe it's a page-specific setting, I don't know, but here's how you get rid of that crap, once and for all (or at least until FB updates their CSS classnames):

Create a file, for example enough.css with these three lines:

._5hn6 {
   display: none;

In Safari, navigate to Preferences > Advanced > Style sheet and select the file you just created from the dropdown. Et voilĂ :


I believe this feature has it's roots in accessibility and I have previously seen it in pretty much every browser, but surprisingly, new versions of Chrome and even Firefox have removed it - you need a third party plugin to make this possible.

I can understand why companies rely increasingly on Facebook instead of owning their homepages, but I sincerely wish they didn't. It must be really handy to configure your marketing from the same UI you use to keep in touch with your girlfriend, but I'm not sure businesses realize how much control they are forfeiting in the process. I've run into local business pages that require a Facebook login to access it. Why?

Yes, running your own webpage can be messy and us webdevs and sysadmins have the scars to prove it, but those problems are all fixable and if everyone moves to Facebook, there will be nothing left to fix.

I would much rather see thousands of local hosting providers running the homepages of local businesses, taking their feedback, competing with each other with features and customer service than some huge corporation somewhere on another continent who only reacts when an issue affects millions (if even then). Not to mention the data security and privacy implications of putting the data of every business in every country in the same basket. But that's a different rant for another time…

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