Upgrading Nextcloud Server to 15 and PHP 7.2
Sat Jan 26, 2019 · 143 words

Just a quit update on a previous howto I wrote on installing Nextcloud from scratch on a FreeBSD 11 server - for PHP 7.2 and Nextcloud 15.

The basic procedure is the same, with some minor differences - you no longer have to compile the Redis module yourself and there are a couple of extra PHP extensions that Nextcloud 15 recommends:

$ pkg remove php71
$ pkg install php72 php72-{ftp,ctype,dom,gd,iconv,json,xml,mbstring,posix,simplexml,xmlreader,xmlwriter,zip,zlib,session,hash,filter,opcache,pdo_pgsql,curl,openssl,fileinfo,pcntl,intl,pecl-redis3,memcache,bz2,pecl-memcached}

If you're upgrading from the console, don't forget to run all the necessary OCC commands next:

$ sudo -u www php occ upgrade
$ sudo -u www php occ db:add-missing-indices
$ sudo -u www php occ db:convert-filecache-bigint

I’ happy to report that 15 runs even better than 12 on same same crappy old hardware. I also tried doing this with PHP 7.3 but it turned out NC isn't [quite ready] for it yet.

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