Sat Aug 30, 2008 · 115 words

A fun little project that could work well in an “intro to practical programming” course:

filipp@probook.local [~]  > gc 14 in in cm
14 in = 35.56 centimeters

Wait, but we already have units(1)! Yes, but can it do this:

filipp@probook.local [~]  > gc 14,9 usd in eur
14,9 U.S. dollars = 10,1650976 Euros

All a whopping 8 lines of PHP (the working man's language):

#!/usr/bin/env php

  array_shift ($argv);
  if (count ($argv) == 0) die ("Not enough arguments\n");
  $q = implode ("+", $argv);
  $c = file_get_contents ("$q");
  preg_match ('/<div id=res.+?<\/h2>/', $c, $r);
  $a = str_replace (' ', '', strip_tags ($r[0]));
  if ($a == "Search Results") $a = "No results";
  printf ("%s\n", $a);



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