Checking for existance
Sat Mar 31, 2007 · 139 words

There's no built-in for checking if a file exists when developing Dashboard Widgets in JavaScript. But with a little help from the BSD subsystem we can do it easily. For this to work, you obviously need to have the following set in your Info.plist:


That opens up a whole world of possibilities. I find that the most effective way is to use file. This way we can even check if something is of the correct type. For example, for a recent UnitInfo update, I had to check if InCrease was installed:

    foldingBase = "~/Library/InCrease/cpu1/";

    var fp = widget.system ('/usr/bin/file -bi ' + foldingBase + 'unitinfo.txt', null).outputString.replace ("\n", "");

    if (fp.indexOf ("text/plain") != -1) {
      clientVersion = 'InCrease';
    } else {
      foldingBase = "~/Library/Folding@Home/";
      clientVersion = 'Folding@Home';

    unitInfoFile = foldingBase + 'unitinfo.txt';
    clientConfigFile = foldingBase + 'client.cfg';

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