A (weird) way to convert PHP arrays to XML. I came up with this for Collective - passing media metadata (with getid3) from the server to JavaScript. It's not supposed to work with numeric indexes - the algorithm doesn't break, it just produces invalid XML (can't have numbers as element names):
function array2xml($array)
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$out .= "<$k " . array2xml($v) . "</$k>\n";
else {
$out .= "\n\t$k='$v'";
if (is_array(next($array)) || (array_pop(array_keys($array)) == $k))
$out .= ">\n";
return $out;
A way to convert a file system hierarchy into an XML document, in Python. This is for a simple file-cataloguer I desperately needed (more on this later, hopefully):
imp = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
ldoc = imp.createDocument(None, 'Library', None)
def parsedir(dirname, parent = ldoc.documentElement):
global ldoc
if os.path.isdir(dirname):
newDir = ldoc.createElement('Directory')
newDir.setAttribute('path', dirname)
parent = newDir
for i in os.listdir(dirname):
fp = os.path.join(dirname, i)
if os.path.isdir(fp):
parsedir(fp, newDir)
newFile = ldoc.createElement('File')
newFile.setAttribute('name', i)